The Dangers of a Cluttered Workspace

Some folks (usually the messy ones) claim that a cluttered and discombobulated workspace is a sign of creativity and intelligence. That could be, but a tidy and sleek work area is a pleasure to sit down in when all files and supplies are in order and there’s no chance of finding a week-old, half-eaten tuna sandwich under a stack of manila envelopes.

Whether you’re a pack rat or a neat freak, it would benefit you to learn the perks of a decluttered workspace. Giving neatness a chance can confirm that you’re just as creative and smart while still being able to maintain a neat office. Tidy up and reap the rewards!

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No Mess, No Stress

A big mess can lead to major stress. Missing papers, an exploded pen, and the constant shuffling of junk is unnerving and raises stress levels. As perOnline Career Tips, “Just looking at a messy, unkempt workspace first thing in the morning can raise your stress levels.”

TriNetconcurs, “In a disorganized office, it’s easy to misplace documents. That can be very stressful, especially when your boss or client is waiting for you to produce said documents.” When things are in place and tidy, you’ll never worry where your important files and docs are hiding. No one wants a frustrated boss breathing down your neck as you rifle through stacks of disorganized paperwork.

While some declare they “have a system” to explain away their mounds of who knows what, these are the very folks who are often wasting time and resources, and causing unnecessary chaos. While this may seem like an employee’s personal choice, it creates a snowball effect when others need to help them out in a bind or start to feel the collective blood pressure rising. Time is money for business. There’s enough to stress over at work. Why make your sloppy workspace part of the problem?

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A Wealth of Health

Crumbs, dirt, germs, you name it. A messy area is not only unpleasant to look at, but it can make you sick. Many of us eat at our desks to save time and money. If the desk is clean, we can see where food has fallen and drinks have dripped and swiftly wipe it clean. Not so for a messy desk. A wayward piece of fried chicken and a glop of Dijon mustard swiftly disappear in a pile of files and scribbled-on Post-Its.

As Online Career Tips puts it, “Your office may have a cleaning service that comes through once a week, but many are not allowed to move items on desks. That could leave many surfaces untouched for weeks.” That’s going to make for one funky chicken.

“Your desk could be harboring germs or mold from viruses or crumbs. Make a point of cleaning your desk and computer keyboard with the proper cleaners on a regular basis for the sake of your health,” notes Online Career Tips. If your desk’s a mess, it’s simply too difficult to really get in there and clean properly. Papers may cover up the grime, but bacteria will grow and you can get sick.

Do you really want to miss days of work and potential money because your desk was too sloppy to wipe down and you contracted a cold or virus? It’s lazy and some may say crazy!

Enhanced Efficiency

A clear workspace can help promote a clear mind. Unclutterer says it best, “When you know where things are, what your goals are, and take care of the piddling busy work as it appears, you’ve got significantly more time and energy for the big goals in life.”

Professional organizer, Seana Turner toldMonster, “Knowing where things are keeps you on top of your game. People who pile paperwork often obscure items underneath the stacks, resulting in wasted time trying to find what they are looking for. Filing things where they belong creates less surface clutter — and ensures you know where they’re at when you need them.”

Plus, it’s hard to prioritize when everything’s in a jumble. You may even forget to do something because it went missing amidst the clutter. And when you do finally remember, will you be able to find the needed paperwork to get to work?

Along with personal efficiency, a clear area is beneficial to the company at large. As per TriNet, “Your office is a reflection of you and your company. And first impressions count. What do your clients, vendors, colleagues, prospective employees and other visitors see? A dirty break room, cluttered desk or messy reception area does not inspire confidence in your professionalism or ability to manage the finer details.” If that’s not reason enough to tidy up, what is?

It’s time to declutter and re-focus. Your time will be more productive and you’ll have more room to make a difference personally and for your business. Why be a mess when you can be a success?

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Some folks (usually the messy ones) claim that a cluttered and discombobulated workspace is a sign of creativity and intelligence. That could be, but a tidy and sleek work area is a pleasure to sit down in when all files and supplies are in order and there's no chance of finding a week-old, half-eaten tuna sandwich under a stack of manila envelopes.

Whether you're a pack rat or a neat freak, it would benefit you to learn the perks of a decluttered workspace. Giving neatness a chance can confirm that you're just as creative and smart while still being able to maintain a neat office. Tidy up and reap the rewards!

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No Mess, No Stress

A big mess can lead to major stress. Missing papers, an exploded pen, and the constant shuffling of junk is unnerving and raises stress levels. As perOnline Career Tips, "Just looking at a messy, unkempt workspace first thing in the morning can raise your stress levels."

TriNetconcurs, "In a disorganized office, it's easy to misplace documents. That can be very stressful, especially when your boss or client is waiting for you to produce said documents." When things are in place and tidy, you'll never worry where your important files and docs are hiding. No one wants a frustrated boss breathing down your neck as you rifle through stacks of disorganized paperwork.

While some declare they "have a system" to explain away their mounds of who knows what, these are the very folks who are often wasting time and resources, and causing unnecessary chaos. While this may seem like an employee's personal choice, it creates a snowball effect when others need to help them out in a bind or start to feel the collective blood pressure rising. Time is money for business. There's enough to stress over at work. Why make your sloppy workspace part of the problem?

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A Wealth of Health

Crumbs, dirt, germs, you name it. A messy area is not only unpleasant to look at, but it can make you sick. Many of us eat at our desks to save time and money. If the desk is clean, we can see where food has fallen and drinks have dripped and swiftly wipe it clean. Not so for a messy desk. A wayward piece of fried chicken and a glop of Dijon mustard swiftly disappear in a pile of files and scribbled-on Post-Its.

As Online Career Tips puts it, "Your office may have a cleaning service that comes through once a week, but many are not allowed to move items on desks. That could leave many surfaces untouched for weeks." That's going to make for one funky chicken.

"Your desk could be harboring germs or mold from viruses or crumbs. Make a point of cleaning your desk and computer keyboard with the proper cleaners on a regular basis for the sake of your health," notes Online Career Tips. If your desk's a mess, it's simply too difficult to really get in there and clean properly. Papers may cover up the grime, but bacteria will grow and you can get sick.

Do you really want to miss days of work and potential money because your desk was too sloppy to wipe down and you contracted a cold or virus? It's lazy and some may say crazy!

Enhanced Efficiency

A clear workspace can help promote a clear mind. Unclutterer says it best, "When you know where things are, what your goals are, and take care of the piddling busy work as it appears, you've got significantly more time and energy for the big goals in life."

Professional organizer, Seana Turner toldMonster, "Knowing where things are keeps you on top of your game. People who pile paperwork often obscure items underneath the stacks, resulting in wasted time trying to find what they are looking for. Filing things where they belong creates less surface clutter — and ensures you know where they're at when you need them."

Plus, it's hard to prioritize when everything's in a jumble. You may even forget to do something because it went missing amidst the clutter. And when you do finally remember, will you be able to find the needed paperwork to get to work?

Along with personal efficiency, a clear area is beneficial to the company at large. As per TriNet, "Your office is a reflection of you and your company. And first impressions count. What do your clients, vendors, colleagues, prospective employees and other visitors see? A dirty break room, cluttered desk or messy reception area does not inspire confidence in your professionalism or ability to manage the finer details." If that's not reason enough to tidy up, what is?

It's time to declutter and re-focus. Your time will be more productive and you'll have more room to make a difference personally and for your business. Why be a mess when you can be a success?

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