A – Z Guide to Success at Work – S, T, and U

We’re almost at the finish line of our A – Z guide to achieving success in the workplace. Each letter of the alphabet is the first letter of a trait or behavior a successful person can embrace to become better at what they do. Passion and practice makes perfect, so use these helpful tips to move the needle towards the direction of your career aspirations and goals.

With S, T, and U up to bat, we will explain how stamina, thick skin, and an upbeat attitude are three character features a person ought to possess if reaching success is on the to-do list. Aim to work on developing these attributes and watch how you grow and prosper in the workplace and beyond.

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Great results don’t just fall into your lap, they take time and effort which means you must be all in, all the time. While physical stamina is important, especially if the line of work you’re in is taxing on the body, mental stamina is just as, if not more vital when it comes to being our best at what we’re putting our efforts towards.

According to WebMD, one way to increase mental stamina is to, “Consciously think more positive thoughts.” Managing stress, visualizing goals, planning for setbacks, and getting a good night’s sleep are all stamina-boosters as well.

Don Melnychuk, Ph.D. notes, “One of our most important business resources is our personal energy.” He suggests keeping fit, staying motivated, and being well-nourished to improve work performance.

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Thick Skin

It takes a tough individual to deal with chaos in the workplace and to triumph over mistakes and failures. Not everyone will deal with you with sensitivity or even common courtesy, but the thick-skinned individual won’t take things personally and can swiftly move along with confidence and a greater determination to succeed.

Tiny Buddha suggests finding the silver lining in a situation that may be unsettling. “When we can notice which criticisms wound us the most deeply, it shines a light on what our beliefs are. Not only can this help us to find neutrality again, with this outlook, criticism can become a valuable tool for self-growth.”

According to wikiHow, “Having perspective will help you get through the day without getting too emotional. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with feeling that initial wave of anger, sadness or defensiveness when you first receive a criticism. However, you shouldn’t let emotions drag you down for the rest of the day.” Shake it off and utilize the feelings as fuel to propel you forward.

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Upbeat Attitude

A “glass-half-full” perspective will keep you positive and ready to work with purpose. Not every moment will be a bowl of cherries, but looking on the bright side and seeing the big picture is far more effective in reaching success than dwelling on what isn’t perfect.

As per Jane R. Elgass of Univ. of Michigan, “For some employers, a good attitude is sometimes a more important consideration than skills. Try starting each day with a pep talk to yourself; make it a habit to enjoy the good moments; express, rather than suppress, your feelings; and surround yourself with a positive environment.”

Inc. notes, “If you’ve got a positive attitude, you’ll see obstacles as interesting or even fun. Even if you fail to overcome them, you’ll find the process invigorating, which will make future obstacles easier to overcome.” Put on a smile and you’re already a success!

Stay tuned for the next installment of this A – Z series on success. We’re almost done, but your success never has to end!

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We're almost at the finish line of our A – Z guide to achieving success in the workplace. Each letter of the alphabet is the first letter of a trait or behavior a successful person can embrace to become better at what they do. Passion and practice makes perfect, so use these helpful tips to move the needle towards the direction of your career aspirations and goals.

With S, T, and U up to bat, we will explain how stamina, thick skin, and an upbeat attitude are three character features a person ought to possess if reaching success is on the to-do list. Aim to work on developing these attributes and watch how you grow and prosper in the workplace and beyond.

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Great results don't just fall into your lap, they take time and effort which means you must be all in, all the time. While physical stamina is important, especially if the line of work you're in is taxing on the body, mental stamina is just as, if not more vital when it comes to being our best at what we're putting our efforts towards.

According to WebMD, one way to increase mental stamina is to, "Consciously think more positive thoughts." Managing stress, visualizing goals, planning for setbacks, and getting a good night's sleep are all stamina-boosters as well.

Don Melnychuk, Ph.D. notes, "One of our most important business resources is our personal energy." He suggests keeping fit, staying motivated, and being well-nourished to improve work performance.

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Thick Skin

It takes a tough individual to deal with chaos in the workplace and to triumph over mistakes and failures. Not everyone will deal with you with sensitivity or even common courtesy, but the thick-skinned individual won't take things personally and can swiftly move along with confidence and a greater determination to succeed.

Tiny Buddha suggests finding the silver lining in a situation that may be unsettling. "When we can notice which criticisms wound us the most deeply, it shines a light on what our beliefs are. Not only can this help us to find neutrality again, with this outlook, criticism can become a valuable tool for self-growth."

According to wikiHow, "Having perspective will help you get through the day without getting too emotional. Remember, there's nothing wrong with feeling that initial wave of anger, sadness or defensiveness when you first receive a criticism. However, you shouldn't let emotions drag you down for the rest of the day." Shake it off and utilize the feelings as fuel to propel you forward.

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Upbeat Attitude

A "glass-half-full" perspective will keep you positive and ready to work with purpose. Not every moment will be a bowl of cherries, but looking on the bright side and seeing the big picture is far more effective in reaching success than dwelling on what isn't perfect.

As per Jane R. Elgass of Univ. of Michigan, "For some employers, a good attitude is sometimes a more important consideration than skills. Try starting each day with a pep talk to yourself; make it a habit to enjoy the good moments; express, rather than suppress, your feelings; and surround yourself with a positive environment."

Inc. notes, "If you've got a positive attitude, you'll see obstacles as interesting or even fun. Even if you fail to overcome them, you'll find the process invigorating, which will make future obstacles easier to overcome." Put on a smile and you're already a success!

Stay tuned for the next installment of this A – Z series on success. We're almost done, but your success never has to end!

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