How AI Is Influencing Home Life
Mar 07 | 2024
Bedtime stories just got easier
Picsea via Unsplash
Ever since I started working 40 hours a week, I’ve realized that my mother is a superhero. Because, as a single 25-year-old, I don’t want to do…One. Single. Thing after work.
Like everyone I know, I resent the monotony of my life from Monday to Friday. There is barely any time after 5 PM to complete a full day’s worth of chores, errands, and more. And yet, parents must. They have to care for themselves and their children — cooking meals, getting to practices on time, going to the gym, and much more.
Life can be exhausting- whether you have children or not- and you may not have the energy to complete every task on your ever-growing to-do list. On days when you’re just trying to make it to your bed in one piece, you probably aren’t feeling the most inventive.
This is why more and more people are finding innovative ways to use Artificial Intelligence to make their home lives easier. AI can be a helpful tool for cutting corners and saving yourself some mental anguish. If it improves your life, why not?
In fact, many parents have started using AI to relieve some of the mental strain: crafting bedtime stories, finding snack recipes, helping with meal planning, and making home life simpler in tons of unique other ways. Not every parent is Dr. Seuss. Rather than meandering through a bedtime story that’s lacking a plot, there are now tons of sites dedicated specifically to bedtime stories for kids.
While some may say it’s cheating, I call it “protecting your mental health” and saving yourself some time. Here are a few fun ways that AI is influencing home life in 2024!
AI Bedtime Stories
When I read an article in The Guardian about how the writer was “shocked” that her husband was using AI to create bedtime stories for her kid…I was less surprised. I mean, if AI is taking over the jobs of writers in every other industry, why wouldn’t parents be using it for their own story-making benefit?
And while AI certainly isn’t a better writer than the human perspective, there are now specific platforms dedicated to bedtime stories alone. The Guardian writes,
“It’s essential to use ChatGPT as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, your own storytelling”, … overreliance on AI at bedtime might “encourage passivity”, both in the tellers and the listeners. Well, duh. Bedtime is arguably my most defenseless parenting moment of the day.”
I agree that ChatGPT’s writing lacks a certain likeability. It’s a robot, so most of it comes off as pretty robotic. I can see the vision though, so I decided to check out some of the AI bedtime story sites myself.
Sites like craft stories that incorporate family members as characters, where you can control what setting and theme you want the story to have, and more. It gives you more control over your child’s bedtime story and gives you the most realistic-sounding tale I’ve seen so far.
Ben Griffiths via Unsplash
AI Trip Planner
Yes, you can even have Artificial Intelligence become your travel agent for no extra cost. I’ve heard of girls on TikTok using AI to find the cheapest flights, hotels, and rental cars for their selected dates and locations. People are even planning ultimate Disney World trips with AI. The future really is upon us.
Websites like Trip Planner AI will gather everything you need to plan your trip successfully: hotel and flight details, bookings, trip and travel guides, and more. Roam Around and Wonderplan are also popular AI-powered travel sites.
But the point is, you no longer have to waste so much time searching and pining over details when there is now the technology to help you get started. Even if you don’t follow AI’s travel suggestions word-for-word, it’s still a resourceful tool to give you some guidance.
Annie Spratt via Unsplash