Amber Wang

Amber Wang

Should you even get a credit card?

They don’t teach you “adulting” in school. But lucky for you, I’m here to explain to you the pros and cons of acquiring a credit card. Of course, there comes more responsibility with a credit card, but it also holds a certain amount of respectability and authenticity. I admit, I see my friends who pay

Five tips on saving money for Valentine’s Day

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Valentine’s Day is the pinnacle of romantic holidays — today’s the day you get to show all the love you have for your significant other in the form of gifts or experiences. It’s a bit materialistic yes, but everyone loves feeling special and being showered with presents! However, if your budget’s a bit tight, it

Seven Side Hustles For Extra Cash

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Most of us aren’t the best at saving money — splurging just feels so good and gives us that instant satisfaction we crave. However, it’s nothing to beat yourself up over — even though we put out articles to advise you on budgeting and finance, we know slip-ups happen. And when they do, you’re going