Christina Duron

Christina Duron

How to Manage Money Together As Newlyweds

Many people live together before getting married and have begun the process of combining accounts and sharing responsibilities. However, some people wait to do this only after marriage, and others wait until they’re married to live together. Whichever path you’ve chosen, it’s still crucial to know a few tips to manage money together as newlyweds

Savvy Tips for New Real Estate Investors

Long gone are the days when the majority of Americans dreamed about owning a home with a white picket fence. The traditional American Dream may be on its deathbed, but that doesn’t mean a core component of the vision can’t survive. It simply takes a diverse perspective. People can still believe they can attain their

Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Save Money

Trying to save money can be overwhelming. It’s difficult to navigate which expenses of your daily routine can be eliminated for financial gain and which are necessities. Many people believe that in order to accumulate savings, sacrifices must be made. And while simple sacrifices such as minimizing your takeout purchases and online shopping habits may