Deuce Ellis

Deuce Ellis

11 Steve Jobs Quotes To Blow Your Mind

Steve Jobs - Md Mahdi Unsplash

Entrepreneur, businessman, inventor, and industrial designer – CEO of both Apple Inc. and Pixar – Steve Jobs was both inspiring and controversial. Polarizing and mesmerizing his impact is undeniable – Buddhist, tyrant. Genius, jerk. Always against the grain, yet always a step ahead. So what went on inside that mind of his, and what can

7 Quotes From the Wealthiest Man in the World

Bill Gates (Shutterstock)

By a more than $10 billion margin, Bill Gates sits alone at the top of the list of the world’s billionaires. Currently the head of the world’s largest charitable organization – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – saving lives in the developing world and working to revamp the American educational system. Born in Seattle,

Is Tai Lopez a Scammer?

Tai Lopez Tai Lopez net worth Tai Lopez scam Those are the top 3 Google searches for Tai Lopez. You know the guy, in his garage, with his Lamborghini. You’ve seen his sponsored videos flood your times, your feeds, and pop up right before your favorite Youtube video. So who is Tai Lopez, is he

Urban Investor’s Dictionary: Derivatives

“Derivatives are a huge, complex issue.” – Judd Gregg When you hear most people talk about the causes behind the Great Recession and the 2008 financial crisis, many people place the blame on derivatives. But when asked what exactly a derivative is, we’re met with stutters and stammers. In a few words, a derivative is

Money Market vs Savings Accounts

We’re always trying to make our dollars go as far as they can for us. Stretching them, investing them, putting to work and watching them double, it is our due diligence to tend to our dollars and see that they stay busy and stay growing. Which often brings up the question of what exactly is

Entrepreneurial Highlight: Craig Levy

In this series we will be highlighting burgeoning entrepreneurs in the modern era. These are folks who have taken the risk of quitting or working double to quit their conventional jobs in pursuit of their passions. This is a difficult road that many never find the courage to venture upon, but the rewards are so