Erika Hanson

Erika Hanson

Boomer Financial Advice to Ditch

Boomer Financial Advice to Ditch

It’s easy to dish out what you might think is great financial advice if you’re from the boomer generation — the most recent generation to accumulate copious amounts of wealth compared to others. But does the financial advice of this aging generation still hold up today? Older generation financial advisors such as Suze Orman and

What to Do with Your 401k After You Leave a Job

Getty Images/Maria Stavreva

Whether you’re leaving a job involuntarily, departing for something new, or just want to prepare for the unknown, it is smart to understand all your options regarding your 401k. Leave It Where It Is 401k plans differ based on the employer, but most will give you the option to leave your 401k where it is

The Most In-Demand Job Skills

As labor market demands continue changing, redesigned job skills are working their way to the top of employers’ desired skill sets for employees. With nearly 14 million Americans currently looking for work, giving your resume an update has never sounded better! We have cultivated a list of the most coveted and in-demand job skills you

How to Instill Financial Literacy in Children

The National Financial Educators Council (NFEC) surveyed young adults in 2017 and asked them what high school course would benefit their lives the most. The majority responded that money management was the course that would be most beneficial. With personal debt is at its highest record and COVID-19 threatening to have the hardest economic effects

Everything You Need to Know About Debt Collectors and Your Rights

Debt collection is a whopping $11.5 billion industry, and around 28% of Americans currently owe money and are being sought out by a third party debt collection agency, according to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP). Debt collectors often prey on creditors’ ignorance. In 2018 alone, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) banned 32 companies

15 Ways to Save on Back to School Shopping

It’s that time of the year again. The middle of August—better known to parents as back-to-school shopping season. Back to school shopping is one of the busiest shopping seasons of the year—and even though there is still plenty of uncertainty surrounding the coming school year due to the coronavirus pandemic, one thing is sure—school must