J.A. Hagl

J.A. Hagl

Trim the Fat: Try a Spending Diet

You spend $30 on Chinese takeout for just yourself on Monday. On Tuesday you bought a $5 latte. You finally purchased all the items in your shopping cart and spent $102 on Wednesday. Silver lining, you got free shipping. Thursday you went to the new craft cocktail bar. You bought yourself a drink and then

Should you get life insurance?

Insurance is based on planning for the unexpected. Planning for death could seem a bit morbid, however life insurance can take care of medical costs to funeral costs. Lisa Ryerson, Regional Vice President of Appreciation Financial, shares why life insurance is beneficial in the long run. 1. When should you start having life insurance? As

Wall Street Explained: Buy-Side VS. Sell-Side

Once you get past the myriad of suits that would make Barney Stinson’s little heart pitter-patter, the good ‘ole boys club and the frantic glamour of Wall Street, it boils down to buying and selling. Essentially, there are two paths a career can take on Wall Street. Where will Wall Street take you?thenypost.files.wordpress.com (adsbygoogle =

8 money habits to break in your 20s

When most of our parents were in their 20s, they were having us, buying houses, and working on their 401ks. Flash-forward a generation and now the 20s are considered a development phase. Even if you are figuring out what you’re doing with your life, avoiding financial pitfalls can get you where you want to be

What is a CD?

Invest, invest, and invest. If you’re not saving you should be investing. Or people say. If you’re new to investing and are concerned with risk, a certificate of deposit may be the easiest option for you. A certificate of deposit, a CD, is a savings certificate with a fixed interest rate and affixed maturity date.

7 tips to save money at the bar

Bar tab shock is a precursor to other drinking regrets. It’s easy to spend more money when the drinks are flowing and everyone loves the person who buys a round. The average person spends $50 or more on night of drinking. If you’re going out at least once a week for a month, you’ve dropped

5 ways to shrink a budget

Are you always wondering where the money went? Money can seem to disappear with thoughtless spending. An honest spending evaluation can help you determine where you can cut spending. Here are five areas where you can trim your budget without too much effort. Memberships & subscriptions When’s the last time you went to the gym