Should You Switch to Part-Time?
Jan 09 | 2018
Are you a full-time employee who has been starting to feel like living the part-time work life? The change is not something to do on a whim or take lightly, but if you are considering this career move, here are four questions to ask yourself to be sure this switch is smart and the right one for you.
Are You Stressed Out?
Stress can be a
Most people have some degree of stress, and some are more stressed-out than others, even to the point that they know something’s gotta give. According to Investopedia, “Study after study has revealed how perennially tired and ‘worn out’ many full-time workers feel.”
Your mental and physical health are a major priority, so perhaps a shift in the way you work can alleviate the anxiety and pressure. Fewer work hours can give you much-needed time to decompress and take time to care for yourself properly.
As Lifehack notes, “You’ll have more time to rest your body and mind and notice improvements in your immune system, digestion, circulation, and other key signs of physical health compared to an exhausted full-time worker.”
With your newfound energy and happiness, you can put your full self into your part-time gig.
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Do You Want More Time for Other Things?
Make time for hobbies and other interests
For some, it’s all work and no play… and they like it that way. But for the rest, there is little, if any time for pursuing hobbies, fitness, family time, travel, or even a second job. A part-time job will free up a good deal of your time to devote to these other areas of interest you have put on the backburner.
According to Wise Ones, “With the ability to control your own time comes the freedom to decide what to do with it.” Flex Jobs adds, “A part-time position will allow you to have better work-life balance.”
Do You Want to Advance Your Education?
It is never to late to go back to school
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You may enjoy your job, but perhaps you want to advance to the next level, which requires more training or schooling. A full-time job may not afford you the time to get in those hours or earn that degree.
Wise Ones notes, “Having more time allows you to develop personal skills or even pursue some further education.” And as per Flex Jobs, “When you work part-time, you’ll have extra time in your day to take classes to add onto your education and apply for the position you really want or earn a potential promotion.”
After learning more and advancing yourself, you may wish to get back to full-time work with more knowledge and skills under your belt. If part-time is still for you, consider your education beneficial for your status and soul.
Are You Planning to Phase Out of the Workforce Soon?
Retirement is on the horizon
If retirement is on the horizon, switching to part-time work before making the drastic change from working all the time to not at all can make the transition smooth and steady. You can take this time to get settled into your new lifestyle, get back into family life at home, meet other retirees in the area, or plan for what you will do during this new phase of your life.
On the flip side, you may want to go back to work after you have been retired for a while. Perhaps life out of the workforce does not fulfill you like you thought it would. As per Wise Ones, “For people over the age of 55 years, being part of an organization is also about using experience and knowledge, being with other people, interacting and socialization. It’s about mental and social health, as well as financial well-being.”
If money is not a primary issue and you can afford to work part-time, and you have answered these questions to your satisfaction and with confidence, now is the time for part-time!
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