Prima’s R+R Cream Is The Best Thing I’ve Ever Tried

A few weeks ago, I woke up with a stiff back which was probably brought on by sitting at my kitchen table WFH for hours on end. I tiptoed to the bathroom as quietly as possible as to not wake my girlfriend, Claire.

Even after a hot shower, the muscles were still tight so I picked through Claire’s basket of skin therapies and body lotions. That’s when I found a tube of Prima’s R+R Cream with eucalyptus and menthol. The label said it’s an advanced recovery rub that has concentrated levels of pure, whole plant hemp extract that encourages whole-body recovery. I remember Claire telling me she loved this stuff, I just thought it was a beauty product.

I was a bit wary of the hemp thing. So, I pulled up Prima on my phone. Prima’s ethos is that nature is the answer to modern day health woes like restlessness and stress. Their wellbeing essentials only use broad spectrum hemp, which contains cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and fatty acids, but there’s less THC than full spectrum – the chemical that makes people high.

That totally convinced me, so I massaged the R+R Cream on my lower back. It absorbed quickly and wasn’t greasy at all. The menthol seemed to cool down and relax my muscles. And the light mix of lavender and peppermint felt like aromatherapy. Just the smell gave me a sense of calm. I drifted off to sleep and woke up feeling refreshed.

Over our morning coffee, I thanked Claire and raved about Prima’s R+R Cream. My back was still twinging a bit and stiff, but it had certainly rescued me. She loves Prima’s products because they have the highest standards of purity, potency and transparency. In fact, they have a few skincare products she wanted to try.

So we jumped online and ordered another R+R Cream for me, and I thought why not try Prima’s Skin Therapy – an Ultra-Rich Body Butter? My skin was so dry from being cooped up indoors. And Claire had always wanted to use their Enlightenment Serum. Like me, her skin was dull and dry. She intended to revitalize her skin with this beneficial blend of vitamins and antioxidants.

The R+R Cream starts at around $45, which is pretty good considering Prima’s high quality and how much care goes into their products. Shipping is free for orders over $75. They have a 30-day free return policy, awesome. Claire assured me we would not be returning anything any day soon.

They shipped everything right to our doorstep. I’d been reading through their hemp 101 articles on the Prima site which helped me understand how hemp benefits my overall wellbeing. They test their batches of hemp 5 times so the potency is stable – outstanding. I was so excited to open the box and I never get like that. Claire was thrilled with how gorgeous the packaging was.

Prima helps Claire and me focus on our overall wellness and, frankly, we are less stressed. We feel happier, healthier, and much more balanced. If you’re curious, start with the Trifecta, a sampling of the powders, for just $18 – With Prima’s wellness products, I’m a certified super fan!

Ready to Be Your Best Self? You Have 30 Days to Try Prima & Fall in Love, or Send It Back- No Questions Asked! PLUS Free Shipping on Orders Over $75!

Try Prima Today!

This is a real testimonial. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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A few weeks ago, I woke up with a stiff back which was probably brought on by sitting at my kitchen table WFH for hours on end. I tiptoed to the bathroom as quietly as possible as to not wake my girlfriend, Claire.

Even after a hot shower, the muscles were still tight so I picked through Claire's basket of skin therapies and body lotions. That's when I found a tube of Prima's R+R Cream with eucalyptus and menthol. The label said it's an advanced recovery rub that has concentrated levels of pure, whole plant hemp extract that encourages whole-body recovery. I remember Claire telling me she loved this stuff, I just thought it was a beauty product.

I was a bit wary of the hemp thing. So, I pulled up Prima on my phone. Prima's ethos is that nature is the answer to modern day health woes like restlessness and stress. Their wellbeing essentials only use broad spectrum hemp, which contains cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and fatty acids, but there's less THC than full spectrum - the chemical that makes people high.

That totally convinced me, so I massaged the R+R Cream on my lower back. It absorbed quickly and wasn't greasy at all. The menthol seemed to cool down and relax my muscles. And the light mix of lavender and peppermint felt like aromatherapy. Just the smell gave me a sense of calm. I drifted off to sleep and woke up feeling refreshed.

Over our morning coffee, I thanked Claire and raved about Prima's R+R Cream. My back was still twinging a bit and stiff, but it had certainly rescued me. She loves Prima's products because they have the highest standards of purity, potency and transparency. In fact, they have a few skincare products she wanted to try.

So we jumped online and ordered another R+R Cream for me, and I thought why not try Prima's Skin Therapy - an Ultra-Rich Body Butter? My skin was so dry from being cooped up indoors. And Claire had always wanted to use their Enlightenment Serum. Like me, her skin was dull and dry. She intended to revitalize her skin with this beneficial blend of vitamins and antioxidants.

The R+R Cream starts at around $45, which is pretty good considering Prima's high quality and how much care goes into their products. Shipping is free for orders over $75. They have a 30-day free return policy, awesome. Claire assured me we would not be returning anything any day soon.

They shipped everything right to our doorstep. I'd been reading through their hemp 101 articles on the Prima site which helped me understand how hemp benefits my overall wellbeing. They test their batches of hemp 5 times so the potency is stable - outstanding. I was so excited to open the box and I never get like that. Claire was thrilled with how gorgeous the packaging was.

Prima helps Claire and me focus on our overall wellness and, frankly, we are less stressed. We feel happier, healthier, and much more balanced. If you're curious, start with the Trifecta, a sampling of the powders, for just $18 - With Prima's wellness products, I'm a certified super fan!

Ready to Be Your Best Self? You Have 30 Days to Try Prima & Fall in Love, or Send It Back- No Questions Asked! PLUS Free Shipping on Orders Over $75!



This is a real testimonial. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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