All Your Questions About Earnin, Answered

Waiting for that monthly paycheck to come in can seem like waiting forever, and some months, it’s almost impossible.

When sudden unexpected expenses occur, we’re left with no option but to get loans, use credit cards, and pay lots of high-interest fees. According to the Center for Responsible Lending Report on Overdraft Fees June 2020, Americans paid 11 billion in overdraft fees in 2019!

Seems pretty unfair that we can’t just get paid for the hours we’ve worked when we’ve worked them. This is why Earnincame about. Earnin is the financial lifeline we all need. Sound like something you’re interested in? Keep reading to have all your questions answered…

What is Earnin?

Basically, Earnin allows you to access some of your earned wages ahead of payday with their Cash Out product. Earnin is focused on enabling people to access and save the money they’ve already earned, in a way that empowers them, not their bosses. According to an internal analysis conducted by Earnin in January, more than 1.3 million active community members rely on Cash Out as their EWA financial tool.

Are they a traditional lender?

No. Earnin is anything but traditional. They are by the people, for the people. Their services are designed to be an alternative to traditional payday lenders. Unlike Lenders, Earnin doesn’t send out debt collectors or report anyone to credit agencies.

Are there really no fees involved?

Nope, there are no mandatory fees. The platform runs on voluntary tips. At the end of a Cash Out transaction, community members are given the option to tip. According to Earnin’s site, the average tip is less than the average out-of-network ATM fee, tips can be anything between $0 and $14 on a $100 Cash Out, and you will never be refused service if you choose not to tip.

Make Payday Today
No Mandatory Fees
Unlock Your Paycheck Now

How do I sign up?

You simply download the app, set up an Earninaccount, enter information about your employment, and connect Earnin to your bank account.

Earnin works with each individual to verify their employment through multiple methods such as work-email verification, timesheets, wage stubs, and GPS services with the individual’s permission. All of your info is encrypted and secure.

How much can I withdraw?

Individuals can access up to $100 of their accrued earnings per day or up to $500 of their accrued earnings per pay period.

How does payback work?

Once sign-up is complete, a member can Cash Out earned wages for work they have completed. Earnin will send the Cash Out amount to the worker’s bank account in minutes, and they will be debited for it on their next payday. That’s all there is to it!

Will my employer be notified?

Nope, there is no way your employer will know about Earnin, and they’ll never sell your data.

Earnin is helping the 1.3 million members in their community every day. According to a recent survey conducted by Earnin in January, 66% of Earnin’s community were better able to pay bills on time, and 67% reported a drop in overdrafts, saving up $58 per month.

If you like to sound of a financial lifeline on those weeks you struggle before payday, try Earnin. You won’t regret it!

Unlock Your Paycheck Now!

Sign Up For Earnin Now
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Waiting for that monthly paycheck to come in can seem like waiting forever, and some months, it's almost impossible.

When sudden unexpected expenses occur, we're left with no option but to get loans, use credit cards, and pay lots of high-interest fees. According to the Center for Responsible Lending Report on Overdraft Fees June 2020, Americans paid 11 billion in overdraft fees in 2019!

Seems pretty unfair that we can't just get paid for the hours we've worked when we've worked them. This is why Earnincame about. Earnin is the financial lifeline we all need. Sound like something you're interested in? Keep reading to have all your questions answered...

What is Earnin?

Basically, Earnin allows you to access some of your earned wages ahead of payday with their Cash Out product. Earnin is focused on enabling people to access and save the money they've already earned, in a way that empowers them, not their bosses. According to an internal analysis conducted by Earnin in January, more than 1.3 million active community members rely on Cash Out as their EWA financial tool.

Are they a traditional lender?

No. Earnin is anything but traditional. They are by the people, for the people. Their services are designed to be an alternative to traditional payday lenders. Unlike Lenders, Earnin doesn't send out debt collectors or report anyone to credit agencies.

Are there really no fees involved?

Nope, there are no mandatory fees. The platform runs on voluntary tips. At the end of a Cash Out transaction, community members are given the option to tip. According to Earnin's site, the average tip is less than the average out-of-network ATM fee, tips can be anything between $0 and $14 on a $100 Cash Out, and you will never be refused service if you choose not to tip.

Make Payday Today
No Mandatory Fees
Unlock Your Paycheck Now

How do I sign up?

You simply download the app, set up an Earninaccount, enter information about your employment, and connect Earnin to your bank account.

Earnin works with each individual to verify their employment through multiple methods such as work-email verification, timesheets, wage stubs, and GPS services with the individual's permission. All of your info is encrypted and secure.

How much can I withdraw?

Individuals can access up to $100 of their accrued earnings per day or up to $500 of their accrued earnings per pay period.

How does payback work?

Once sign-up is complete, a member can Cash Out earned wages for work they have completed. Earnin will send the Cash Out amount to the worker's bank account in minutes, and they will be debited for it on their next payday. That's all there is to it!

Will my employer be notified?

Nope, there is no way your employer will know about Earnin, and they'll never sell your data.

Earnin is helping the 1.3 million members in their community every day. According to a recent survey conducted by Earnin in January, 66% of Earnin's community were better able to pay bills on time, and 67% reported a drop in overdrafts, saving up $58 per month.

If you like to sound of a financial lifeline on those weeks you struggle before payday, try Earnin. You won't regret it!

Unlock Your Paycheck Now!


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