Three Things You Can Do to Increase the Likelihood You’ll Snag that Promotion

Looking to move up in the world…or at least at work? If a promotion is on your radar, there are things you can do to get closer to making one a reality. If you believe you are deserving of a bump up – be it a higher salary, greater responsibility, a more prestigious job title, or increased job security, here are three surefire ways to increase the chances you won’t get passed over for a well-deserved promotion. Your boss only wants the best, and you’ve got the goods to back it up!

Be Irreplaceable

There’s only one YOU!

Your position must be valuable and you need to do a great job at what you do. If any old “Joe Schmo” can come along and fill your shoes seamlessly, why would promoting you be beneficial? Stand out, show your worth, and be the one who cannot be swapped with someone similar. When you are irreplaceable, your employer will want to keep you around and give you credit for your special skills, leading to a promotion.

Monsterrecommends, “Be Indispensable. Whether it’s inventing a new program that will save your firm money or becoming a client’s go-to person, put your boss in a position where he can’t afford to lose you.”

One way to shine? LiveCareer says, “Create a powerful personal brand. What is it that you want people to conjure when they think of you? What is the experience you want them to have when they work with you? This is entirely within your control, so don’t neglect it.”

There is only one you, so prove you’re #1.

Keep it Professional

Professionalism at its

As perCNBC, “According to best-selling author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch, to get ahead, you need to act professionally and come across as in control of your career.”

Gossip, drama, and other types of non-professional/irresponsible behavior will keep you from getting further in your career. No matter the office environment or general atmosphere (even the most laid-back of settings), maintaining professionalism is always a good thing. Maturity and mindfulness is key to showing you are serious about your job and care about the well-being and success of the company.

As LiveCareer warns, “Nothing can derail someone’s future with an organization faster than negative information — and being involved in gossip in any way is the fast path to the end of your career with your employer.”

Career Builder suggests avoiding these “professional faux pas” at all costs:

  • Regularly arriving to work late or leaving early
  • Using vulgar language within the workplace
  • Taking an excessive amount of sick days

And as far as remaining drama-free? The Muse explains, “Especially in an office environment, we have to work closely with different personalities and in less-than-ideal situations. Unless there’s a real problem (read: you feel unsafe or can’t complete your work), keep complaints to yourself.”

Go Above and Beyond


Clocking in and clocking out will score you a paycheck, but a promotion? Not likely. You need to prove you’re a go-getter who is looking for more, by doing more.

As per Chameleon Resumes, “One of the biggest mistakes executives make is thinking they can just do what’s expected of them and still get a promotion. You may not realize it but this is actually a form of arrogance. No one gets a promotion for just doing their job.”

CNBC’s Welch shares, “If you want to show your boss you’re ready for that next step, then you’re not just going to do what’s asked of you and what’s expected of you. You’re going to expand your job to help the company [and] help your team.”

LiveCareer recommends, “An excellent promotion tip is to volunteer for additional projects or assignments. Asking for more work demonstrates your interest and desire to help your department and company succeed — and puts a spotlight on your value to the organization.”

Is a promotion in the cards? If you know you deserve one, make it known. Prove you’re serious, smart, and strong and success can be yours by way of promotion. Good luck!

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Looking to move up in the world…or at least at work? If a promotion is on your radar, there are things you can do to get closer to making one a reality. If you believe you are deserving of a bump up – be it a higher salary, greater responsibility, a more prestigious job title, or increased job security, here are three surefire ways to increase the chances you won't get passed over for a well-deserved promotion. Your boss only wants the best, and you've got the goods to back it up!

Be Irreplaceable

There's only one YOU!

Your position must be valuable and you need to do a great job at what you do. If any old "Joe Schmo" can come along and fill your shoes seamlessly, why would promoting you be beneficial? Stand out, show your worth, and be the one who cannot be swapped with someone similar. When you are irreplaceable, your employer will want to keep you around and give you credit for your special skills, leading to a promotion.

Monsterrecommends, "Be Indispensable. Whether it's inventing a new program that will save your firm money or becoming a client's go-to person, put your boss in a position where he can't afford to lose you."

One way to shine? LiveCareer says, "Create a powerful personal brand. What is it that you want people to conjure when they think of you? What is the experience you want them to have when they work with you? This is entirely within your control, so don't neglect it."

There is only one you, so prove you're #1.

Keep it Professional

Professionalism at its

As perCNBC, "According to best-selling author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch, to get ahead, you need to act professionally and come across as in control of your career."

Gossip, drama, and other types of non-professional/irresponsible behavior will keep you from getting further in your career. No matter the office environment or general atmosphere (even the most laid-back of settings), maintaining professionalism is always a good thing. Maturity and mindfulness is key to showing you are serious about your job and care about the well-being and success of the company.

As LiveCareer warns, "Nothing can derail someone's future with an organization faster than negative information — and being involved in gossip in any way is the fast path to the end of your career with your employer."

Career Builder suggests avoiding these "professional faux pas" at all costs:

  • Regularly arriving to work late or leaving early
  • Using vulgar language within the workplace
  • Taking an excessive amount of sick days

And as far as remaining drama-free? The Muse explains, "Especially in an office environment, we have to work closely with different personalities and in less-than-ideal situations. Unless there's a real problem (read: you feel unsafe or can't complete your work), keep complaints to yourself."

Go Above and Beyond


Clocking in and clocking out will score you a paycheck, but a promotion? Not likely. You need to prove you're a go-getter who is looking for more, by doing more.

As per Chameleon Resumes, "One of the biggest mistakes executives make is thinking they can just do what's expected of them and still get a promotion. You may not realize it but this is actually a form of arrogance. No one gets a promotion for just doing their job."

CNBC's Welch shares, "If you want to show your boss you're ready for that next step, then you're not just going to do what's asked of you and what's expected of you. You're going to expand your job to help the company [and] help your team."

LiveCareer recommends, "An excellent promotion tip is to volunteer for additional projects or assignments. Asking for more work demonstrates your interest and desire to help your department and company succeed — and puts a spotlight on your value to the organization."

Is a promotion in the cards? If you know you deserve one, make it known. Prove you're serious, smart, and strong and success can be yours by way of promotion. Good luck!


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