
New Year, New Budget

Saving money starts with a budget.

Alexander Grey via Unsplash

I’ve been thinking a lot about goal setting in the New Year…and not in the cliche resolution way. Not in the way that I get overzealous and aim to save $10,000 in one year, change my entire life around, and find the apartment of my dreams. Not in the way that sets me up for

What to Do with Your 401k After You Leave a Job

Getty Images/Maria Stavreva

Whether you’re leaving a job involuntarily, departing for something new, or just want to prepare for the unknown, it is smart to understand all your options regarding your 401k. Leave It Where It Is 401k plans differ based on the employer, but most will give you the option to leave your 401k where it is

401(k) Retirement Plan Terms You Need to Know

401(k) Plan: Start off knowing what exactly this plan actually is. A 401(k) plan is a tax-deferred retirement plan that is offered through your place of employment. The plan can be a cash election, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan, or a salary reduction per paycheck plan. This plan will help you save for future retirement.

Do I Really Need a 401(k) Plan?

To answer this question in one word… YES! But before you run off and sign up for your 401(k) retirement savings plan with your employer, learn why having one is so important and how it can benefit you in the future. You never know what twists and turns your life will take, so planning ahead