credit score

The best ways to improve your credit score

Deciphering the factors that contribute to a credit score and the ways to improve that magic financial number might seem intimidating, but achieving the great credit score of your dreams is a somewhat simple matter of discipline and attention. Whether your score is poor or on the verge of great, you know you want to

New Year, New Budget

Saving money starts with a budget.

Alexander Grey via Unsplash

I’ve been thinking a lot about goal setting in the New Year…and not in the cliche resolution way. Not in the way that I get overzealous and aim to save $10,000 in one year, change my entire life around, and find the apartment of my dreams. Not in the way that sets me up for

Money Market vs Savings Accounts

We’re always trying to make our dollars go as far as they can for us. Stretching them, investing them, putting to work and watching them double, it is our due diligence to tend to our dollars and see that they stay busy and stay growing. Which often brings up the question of what exactly is

How to Build Your Credit Score From Scratch

Getty Images

In America, your credit score is a valuable piece of financial information. Banks, credit card companies, and sometimes even employers will use your credit score to determine whether you’re reliable enough for a loan, a new credit card or even a job. Staying on top of your credit health is pretty important. But we’re all