
The best ways to improve your credit score

Deciphering the factors that contribute to a credit score and the ways to improve that magic financial number might seem intimidating, but achieving the great credit score of your dreams is a somewhat simple matter of discipline and attention. Whether your score is poor or on the verge of great, you know you want to

Should you even get a credit card?

They don’t teach you “adulting” in school. But lucky for you, I’m here to explain to you the pros and cons of acquiring a credit card. Of course, there comes more responsibility with a credit card, but it also holds a certain amount of respectability and authenticity. I admit, I see my friends who pay

Skip the yard sale and trade in items on Amazon

In all honesty, we all buy things we don’t need — especially with Amazon’s growing market and their ever-expanding hand in consumerism. It’s literally so easy to buy things nowadays and with Amazon Prime, the gratification is damn near instant. However, once you realize you don’t need all this stuff — or once you don’t

5 best credit cards for first-timers

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Has anyone else noticed how it seems like after we graduate from college we’re expected to know how to do and understand all things financial? From balancing a checkbook, to budgeting, to maintaining credit cards (all while paying off student loans!). After years of fumbling my way through and googling the money terms, I’ve finally

How to Live Without a Credit Score

In the United States, your credit score is viewed as a crucial piece of your financial information. You need a good score if you want to open a credit card or get a loan of any kind. Often, landlords and even employers will ask for your credit information. Many Americans don’t think you can get

Are You Ready for a Credit Card?

Depending on who you talk to, the words, “credit card” mean one of two things: “danger zone” or “freedom, baby!” Having a credit card is both a blessing and a curse. Yes, it can encourage you to spend a little more freely without having to feel the burn right away, but it can also give