federal reserve

The Federal Funds Rate and How It Affects You

The Federal Reserve sets the guardrails for the federal funds rate, and through that helps control the money supply for the nation.

"Federal Reserve Building in Washington D.C. - Illustration" by DonkeyHotey is licensed under CC BY 2.0

When you take out a loan for a car, charge something to your credit card, or get a personal line of credit, there is going to be an interest rate that applies to your loan. A lot of different factors go into what you will be charged, including your personal credit score. But even those

What the Interest Rate Hike Means for You

Interest rates have been low for almost a decade to increase spending post-Great Recession. That’s changing and sooner than later. The Federal Reserve plans on raising interest rates three times in 2017, with the first rate hike tentatively scheduled for March. Officials plan on meeting March 14-15 to set rate changes. The probability of the