As we near the completion of the alphabet, there are still more nutritious mind-boosting foods to savor as they make their way from your lips to your brain, keeping you focused and at your peak all day long. After learning the benefits of salmon, turmeric, and udon, it’s time to discover the “V, W, and
We’re nearing the end of the alphabet, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more delicious and brain-boosting foods left to cover. If you’ve been following PayPath’s mind-boosting foods series, where you last learned about the benefits of pumpkin seeds, quinoa, and rosemary, then you’ve come to understand how food fuels more than just the body,
More Nutritious Mind-Boosting Foods J, K, and L
Apr 26 | 2017
We hope you’ve been enjoying our series on mind-boosting all-natural foods to keep you sharp and on the ball from sun up to sunset. Our last installment, which included goji berries, hazelnuts, and iron-rich foods like spinach, was a hit, so another round of delicious and nutritious foods is just what the doctor (and your
Even More All-Natural Mind Boosters G, H, and I
Apr 12 | 2017
If you’ve been enjoying learning about (and eating) mind-boosting all-natural nutrition from avocados, blueberries, and celery to dark chocolate, eggs, and fish, then get ready for three more ways to keep your mind sharp, your body well-nourished, and your energy and stamina strong and steady all day. Before you mindlessly grab a sticky candy bar
The A, B, Cs to All-Natural Mind-Boosting Foods
Mar 29 | 2017
Working all day is demanding, so keeping energized and focused is the key to staying on the ball and being as productive as possible. Adequate sleep is always helpful, as is properly (and naturally) fueling our bodies so we can deliver our A game from the day’s first pitch right through until the final stretch.