money saving tips

Can You Afford The Lifestyle You’re Living?

Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast At Tiffany's", shopping at Tiffany & Co.


Look, I get it. We live in a social media-driven world, where millions of people log into their multiple accounts daily — even hourly! — to promote the illusion of their ideal life. They share snapshots of the highlights of their days: trips to the cafe, lush travels to islands, shopping trips at luxury fashion

Shopaholic Saving Tips

Viacheslav Bublyk via Unsplash

In the words of Ferris Bueller: “Life comes at ya fast.” I learned this when, after graduating college, I suddenly had to get my life together and financially support myself. The horror. But I’m also young and fun (I swear!). I want to go out with my friends, follow trends, and buy myself a little

Money-Saving Tips for Larger Families

Raising a larger family than most means that your lifestyle is going to change. Costs will continue to multiply as your family grows larger. However, just because your family is large doesn’t mean your quality of life needs to suffer. It just means you need to make a few adjustments to help things work smoother

15 Ways to Save on Back to School Shopping

It’s that time of the year again. The middle of August—better known to parents as back-to-school shopping season. Back to school shopping is one of the busiest shopping seasons of the year—and even though there is still plenty of uncertainty surrounding the coming school year due to the coronavirus pandemic, one thing is sure—school must

How Negative Self-Talk Makes You Bad with Money

With finances being one of the most common sources of stress, anxiety-induced habits of negative self-talk and pessimistic thinking can affect how you deal with your money situation. As common as budgeting problems are, how you approach your personal finances can have a powerful effect on your money management. From second-guessing your expenses to internalizing

6 Easy Ways to Save Money

Everyone wants to save money, but life on a strict budget can start to feel like an exercise in misery. But living paycheck to paycheck is also exhausting, so how can you save money without making life boring? To help you with this balance, we’ve gathered the easiest tips and tricks for saving money with