saving money

Can You Afford The Lifestyle You’re Living?

Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast At Tiffany's", shopping at Tiffany & Co.


Look, I get it. We live in a social media-driven world, where millions of people log into their multiple accounts daily — even hourly! — to promote the illusion of their ideal life. They share snapshots of the highlights of their days: trips to the cafe, lush travels to islands, shopping trips at luxury fashion

Shop Smarter, Not Harder

Here's how you can potentially save some money while shopping.

Artem Beliaikin via Unsplash

Recently, I found the perfect gift for my roommate — a sweatshirt of Rocky and Creed fighting, if you must know or needed last-minute inspo. She’s a fan of the franchise, and as a Philadelphia native, I couldn’t resist. Waiting until Black Friday (guaranteed sale), I logged onto PacSun’s website to be met with the

Shopaholic Saving Tips

Viacheslav Bublyk via Unsplash

In the words of Ferris Bueller: “Life comes at ya fast.” I learned this when, after graduating college, I suddenly had to get my life together and financially support myself. The horror. But I’m also young and fun (I swear!). I want to go out with my friends, follow trends, and buy myself a little

Ways Homeowners Can Save Money

Everyone likes saving money—especially homeowners. People who own homes juggle a lot of payments, from utility bills and homeowner’s insurance to mortgages and maintenance costs. At times, these constant expenses can become a bit overwhelming, so a homeowner may want to ease the financial burden of owning a home in any way they can. If

Save Your Wallet’s Tears – 2022 Holiday Season Savings Tips

Here's how to save your money this holiday season!

Bing HAO via Unsplash

Every time payday rolls around, I’m on top of the world. Jeff Bezos-level rich – even though I’m anything but. And then somehow the very next day, rent is due. The cycle continues. The next payday, bills for my apartment. I find myself without a surplus of savings since I just moved and newly-furnished my

Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Save Money

Trying to save money can be overwhelming. It’s difficult to navigate which expenses of your daily routine can be eliminated for financial gain and which are necessities. Many people believe that in order to accumulate savings, sacrifices must be made. And while simple sacrifices such as minimizing your takeout purchases and online shopping habits may